Hi! I'm Lucy aka The Captain.
I'm a 30-year old, who grew up in the Pacific Northwest, was living in San Francisco for a decade and now back to the homeland. During my 9 to 5, I work lead product Communications at a big tech company. I started Captain + Craft as a creative outlet, to discover what I love, where I want to head next and to figure out my calling - or my craft.
I recently took up sailing and since then the nickname "The Captain" has stuck. The name, Captain + Craft, ties together my explorer spirit and my love for trying new things - always in search of a new hobby or adventure.
Some fun facts about me: I love ramen, dive bars, beach bonfires and all things lavender flavored - no really my favorite ice cream is Snoqualmie French Lavender.
I want this to be a place for my musings, my travels, recipes I love and DIY craft projects I've taken on - and wherever else this blog takes me.
So I'll leave you with the below quote - and throw off the bowlines.
- The Captain